Redskins-Jaguars Preview and Pick

December 16, 2018

Redskins will beat Jacksonville if…

  1.  …Jacksonville’s defense doesn’t post.  If it does, the Skins’ offense isn’t going to score more than 10 points.  It’s easily the most talented defense the Skins have played all year.  Dallas is a close 2nd.
  2. …they punt it well.  This is something they’ve done well all year.  Tress Way is the teams’ MVP.  Their punt coverage has been good.  Make Cody Kessler drive it long distances and they can hang in there.
  3. …they finish plus 2 or better in the turnover category.  You can probably tell I’m not very optimistic about the Skins’ chances.  They are in turmoil organizationally and the team they’re facing while not very good record-wise, is better than the Skins talent-wise.


Jags 27-6

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