Kevin opens the show with the Kareem Hunt news and speculates on what Reuben Foster will get. He then answers the Redskins’ question of the day of whether or not Landon Collins should be able to wear Sean Taylor’s #21. He recaps the Maryland loss to Nebraska in detail and talks about what’s next for Turgeon and the Terps. Patrick Stevens (Bracketologist) was a guest on the show and predicts where Maryland will be seeded and where they’ll play and a lot more on the field. Kevin also talks about the possible moves the Redskins might make over the weekend.

One comment on “Bad Terps Loss and #21 on Landon Collins

  1. Jerry Moore Mar 15, 2019

    Kevin, I’m so incredibly disappointed in the Terps performance yesterday, Horrible. d. Couldn’t believe how easily the Huskers took Bruno out of the game and how passive Cowan was for much of the 1st half. Teams with quick guards have shut him down often this year. Game plan vs Terps in NCAA should be obvious — double Bruno and have a quick PC hassle Cowan all over the court. After 1 and done in the last 2 BIg tournaments, you’d think Turgeon would have his team up for it this year. But nope — same outcome with perhaps worst team play in the BIG tournament thus far. They don’t deserve more than an 7 or 8 seed. Soooo frustrating that Turgeon never shows anything new from game to game, year to year. Why, why, why don’t they run?
    P.S. Really enjoying the podcast. Tommy is always a blast. :o)