Kevin and Thom open with the Ovechkin KO punch and the ‘Canes Game 3 blow out win. Kevin has a new guess on whether or not Josh Rosen will be traded to the Redskins. They talked about last night’s LA Clippers comeback against the Warriors….the largest NBA playoff comeback ever. Russell Wilson’s new contract and Scot McCloughan’s comments on Kyler Murray were also discussed. Thom weighed in on Reuben Foster. The guys also talked about one of the all time one-sided NFL trades….20 years ago Charley Casserly fleeced Mike Ditka and the Saints.

2 comments on “Caps Blanked & A New Guess on Rosen

  1. Frederick Ortloff Apr 16, 2019

    Hello Kevin,

    I am a long time listener and I miss your Kevin & Cooley Show. I love the podcast. I have played hockey all my life and am 55 years old. I listened closely to your podcast with Tommy about the hockey fight issue. If Tommy played the game he would understand the frustration of hooking, high sticking and cheap shots that cause your emotions to become uncontrollable. I play the sport for the actual athletic ability and skill it takes. Try playing football, baseball or basketball on ice. It in my opinion is the most skilled sport in the world. However, I do not condone fighting, but I understand the basic human instincts that cause it to occur.

    Ovechkin is a superior hockey athlete who plays the game hard clean and fair. The assault that Tommy mentions occurred in game 1 and in this last game when the cane Hockey Player would use his stick after Ovechkin gave him some legal body checks. Brutal stick work and cheap shots is what cause hockey players to lose their composure. Without the outlet to fight the stick work would escalate till someone loses an eye or even worse is injured severely by a hockey stick chop. Boxing is supposed to be a sweet science, but to me its glorified pugilism at its finest. Hockey is just a sport where emotions lead to normal human escalated behavior. If there was no outlet then escalation of violence would lead to much worse consequences than a loss of pride, a tooth or two or a possible concussion.
    I believe without the outlet serious bodily harm could occur. Please bring this up to Tommy for his reply and I hope to hear from both of you on the topic in an upcoming pod cast. Thanks for letting me express my opinion. Go Caps.

    Fred O..

  2. Multi-Million rand deal goes sour,
    as SA Today boss, Sakeena Joosub,
    has ‘cold-feet…’
    by Mariam De Beer

    (April 2019–Cape Town) A multi million rand merger deal between two of South Africa’s emerging companies has gone sour, after Managing Director for SA Today Ms. Sakeena Joosub, has suddenly had ‘cold-feet,’ about the deal.

    “We have decided to withdraw the deal with The Omar Abdulla Group, as the self built billionaire has changed his tune about certain marketing strategies and has forced us to no longer do business with him.’

    According to the agreement signed on Feb 7 2019, SA Today was to promote all pages of The Omar Abdulla Group on their relative websites and media platforms including News24, Media24, SA Today, and SA DAILY for a period of sixteen months for a sum of R12 million rand, with The Omar Abdulla Group selling the award winning binary codes of Bitcoin and The Abdulla Algorithm, which allows the purchase of likes and followers on social media, as a swap deal, with the payment of the R12 million rand as a loan to SA Today, payable over two years with a 17% market dividend per annul.

    ‘The deal went sour when Joosub demanded that Abdulla include package deals for advertisers who choose to use their shopify and e-bay tools for FREE with minimal amounts paid for drop-shipping.’

    ‘Abdulla does not see the need for consumers to buy online and use paypal as a payment method, instead he only wants clients to advertise on our platforms, without any shopping or ‘add to carts.’ grilled Ms. Joosub.

    Spokesperson for Footprints Filmworks, Mr. Anton Kruger says that The Omar Abdulla Group had purchased the company for the sole purpose of the award winning South African documentary; Footprints in South Africa.

    “We had purchased swap trade agreements with SA Today, so that we could market this documentary when it hits the public in October 2019. Footprints in South Africa is a documentary that encapsulates the past, present and future of South Africa.’ he looped.

    SA Businessman, Mr. Omar Abdulla who recently took a swipe at SA Today boss, Ms. Sakeena Joosub, broomed that Joosub often wrote her crime stories for the newspaper, under the influence of marijuana.

    ‘She has refused the deal as she has made advances to me in closed boardroom offices, my refusal to smoke her joints, and her non compliance with allowing consumers to purchase all sorts of equipment for our online stores. Her failure for cross marketing and promotion has caused her to feel sour towards this deal.’

    However, before going to press Ms. Joosub said that their news portal will not in any way promote Abdulla’s brands, and that he should use other means for cross marketing.

    ‘He can take his R12 million rand and you know what. SA Today, is a respected brand, and although we require his skills on marketing on social media, we can do without his arrogance and easiness not to simplify the product.’

    SA Today specializes in news, celebrity gossip and Vlogs whilst The Omar Abdulla group specializes in database promotion on all social media, film production and event planning.

    ‘It is a great loss the general public to see this deal not go through, and I’m sure both companies will be signing major deals within the year.’ echoed The Business Times.