Hello Again

September 8, 2018

A podcast.  It wasn’t what I would’ve guessed a month or so go but I’m ready to talk some football and my new podcast “The Kevin Sheehan Show” is the only way I can do it for now.  I’m excited about it.  I’ll do one Monday through Friday.  I’ll try to have it out before noon.  I have no idea if Cooley will be a part of it but we both would like that to happen if it can.  For now, it’s me with some help.  Each Tuesday and Thursday, Thom Loverro will join me for the Sports Fix 2.0.  I’m so happy about this.  We’ve talked for the last few years about one day working together again and this podcast gives us a chance to do it.  Others will be a part of it.  Van Pelt will be on with us on Thursdays.  Lots of insiders and beat reporters from the various teams in town that I like.  Tons of gambling talk, especially during football season is a given.  Give it a listen and please tell others.  Thanks for your kind words over the last few weeks.

One comment on “Hello Again

  1. David Smith Sep 10, 2018

    I am happy you are doing this, I moved back to the DMV in 2004 and started listening to you with you were doing the show with Riggo and have been a fan ever since. 980 was insane to let you go and keep Brian Mitchel……….that guy couldn’t entertain a room full of drug addicts with pockets full of cocaine.