Smell Test: Championship Sunday

January 20, 2019


It’s a contrarian handicapping philosophy. I look for the games where the public is convinced they are right about a point spread and I go the other way.  There’s more to it than that including unique access to information about where certain sharp action is but for the most part, it’s the realization over many years that the house wins more than it loses and the house advantage comes from more than just the built-in vig/fee advantage.

The lines used are from as they appeared Friday during the show.  Lines change.  Typically, if a line is worse for me than it was on Friday, the contrarian handicapper in me regards that as a good thing.  It usually means late sharp money is with me.

To hear how all four of the weekend NFL Playoff games were discussed on Friday’s podcast, go to the 50:13 mark below.


Last Week: 1-1

Overall: 108-85-4


Sunday, January 20:

Saints/Rams Under-56.5

Pats/Chiefs Under-55.5

One comment on “Smell Test: Championship Sunday

  1. I disagree with your comments today (Jan 21). Now that betting is legal, the league has an increased responsibility to maintain the integrity of the game. The league office is watching the game. They have a responsibility, whether a play is challengeable or not, to step in and correct any obvious egregious errors on the part of their umpiring crews. There was head to head contact and no attempt to play the ball. I thought that player safety was a priority for the NFL and its Commissioner. In my view the Commissioner has already proven that he is a man of limited integrity. Even beyond the damage done to the Saints and their players, there is now damage to fans who have legally wagered on the outcome of the game. The league cannot allow fans to believe that their employees are intentionally biased or obviously negligent. As it stands the outcome of the Rams Saints game is tainted. It is probably incorrect and there are those who will say it is fraudulent. I don’t want more replays. But there has to be a way to correct the most obvious errors when they happen. Also missed plays have consequences. People who acted legally and in good faith have lost money. The two officials nearest the play need to pay a price for their inattention. BTW I have no money riding on the outcome of the game.