Kevin and Thom open the show with last thoughts on Maryland’s basketball season before getting into it on Tom Izzo. Jay Gruden spoke in Arizona today….the guys discussed what he had to say about the Redskins’ offense, the QBs in the draft and more. Then, is Gronk the greatest tight end in NFL history? The boys debate that.

One comment on “Gruden Speaks On QBs

  1. Dennis Mar 26, 2019

    Can you believe what spurrier said about Snyder….lol.
    Wtf….. ” I did a horrible job coaching…..but so did the GM …who happened to be the owner…and then he brought up how Snyder picked Patrick Ramsey.

    I mean. Kevin…Snyder is not a jerry jones. Jerry jones was a jock.
    Played at Arkansas with jimmy Johnson. Barry Switzerland was his position coach. These guys played.

    Jerry jones played running back and guard.
    I don’t like Sean Payton. I think he’s a douche bag.
    But he played. Dude. Snyder isn’t the devil. I’m sure. He’s got some good traits.

    But the closer this guy is to anything football related. The more unprofessional and dysfunctional everything becomes…..period.

    I’m not trying to be mean or take a cheap shot in anger.
    But as an owner…..he’s pathetic. Seriously pathetic. Absolute joke.
    Worst owner in sports in the last century. At least top 5.
    That’ll be his legacy.

    What can you do