Kevin opens the show with thoughts on the new NFL rule allowing pass interference calls and non-calls to be challenged. Thoughts on some of Bruce Allen’s comments yesterday from league meetings in Arizona follows. JP Finlay/NBC Sports Washington was a guest on the show to talk about Jay Gruden and Bruce Allen interviews from yesterday.

2 comments on “Redskins Still Missing The Point

  1. Ted Morris Mar 27, 2019

    Great show listen all the time.

  2. Hi Kevin, I listen to nearly every show from Bangkok, Thailand. I have been overseas for 20 years but still love the Skins and appreciate all the info I get from you and the other guys. This new pass interference rule is awful in my opinion and it’s going to really hurt the defensive backs. They have bump and pull techniques that help them get an edge on already over protected wide receivers. When you give the decision to replay and slow motion the defense will definitely loose most of the time. Imagine NBA coaches challenging over the back calls and traveling. Pass interference was originally non challengeable for a very good reason. Thanks again, Mike