Kevin opens with Bryce Harper’s return. A night that started with Harper being booed intensely in front of a near-filled angry park of mostly Nats’ fans and ended with Harper being cheered by the Phillies fans who were the only patrons left. Kevin talks about Ernie Grunfeld’s firing, talks to Tim Legler, and then finishes up the show with the Top 3 Ernie Era Mistakes.

One comment on “Ernie and Bryce

  1. Jerry Moore Apr 5, 2019

    I was one of those idiots who argued for months that Bryce wasn’t worth $300,000, etc., but Tuesday night with Phillies fans chanting “WE HAVE HARPER” it dawned on me how idiotic I was and how shortsighted the Lerners were. He’s no Trout, but brash and flamboyant Bryce was our bigger than life “franchise” making player. I love Max, but it was Harper who I and so many other baseball fans wanted to see bat each night, HE was the face of the franchise. HE was. And now he’s in Philly. I’m angry that the Lerner’s didn’t suck it up, ignore reason, and done whatever it took to keep Bryce. I think they and DC fans like me will FOREVER regret the decision not to sign him. He was a once in a lifetime player for the Nats, and the Lerner’s let him walk. The Nats just aren’t the Nats without brash — “That’s a clown question, Bro” and “Where’s my ring.” — Bryce batting 3rd and standing out there in right field. Ugh it’s going to be a long, sorrowful, and regretful 13 years of listening to “WE HAVE BRYCE”. We should have signed him and told Rizzo go make it all work despite the $30-35 million/yr for Bryce. We should have!